You know you want to. Own an art gallery, that is.
For the full story of Long River Gallery (“Art on Main Street”) in a recent issue of Image Magazine, prose by me and gorgeous photos by Lars Blackmore, click here.
In an email from co-owner Kathy Detzer, she writes:
Rachel [Obbard] and I have decided, with a mixture of nostalgia and anticipation, that it is time for each of us to move on from our beloved art gallery. My husband Mark and I are considering options for retirement and Rachel has decided to focus solely on her teaching for now.
We're proud to say that Long River Gallery has been a place of community and creativity in the Upper Valley for over 28 years. The two of us (first Rachel alone, then both of us) have only stewarded it since 2018, but our time with it has been very gratifying. We are deeply thankful to all the artists who have trusted us with their work, and the visitors who have admired it.
Long River Gallery is a gem right in the heart of White River’s arts district, rubbing elbows with the town’s incomparable restaurants, theatres, and a myriad of boutiques.
Interested? Contact the owners at
(Photo, top, from Art New England, January/February 2025)
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And in case you are wondering . . . Susan B. Apel shuttered a lifelong career as a law professor to continue an interest (since kindergarten) in writing. Her freelance business, The Next Word, includes literary and feature writing; her work has appeared in a variety of lit mags and other publications including Art New England, The Woven Tale Press, The Arts Fuse, and Persimmon Tree. She connects with her neighbors through Artful, her blog about arts and culture in the Upper Valley. She’s in love with the written word.