From the moment I moved to the Upper Valley I have craved the spring.
Not a winter person. The snow is pretty; the ice is not. And the dark is gloomy.
This upcoming line-up of winter storms notwithstanding, I’ve already encountered signs of spring. It is still the brighter side of twilight now when I emerge from my late afternoon French class instead of December’s dead of night. And I have abandoned my shame at not figuring out how to change the clock on my car’s dashboard—meaning it is now and has been one hour ahead of the actual time—when I realized that the “spring ahead” moment of daylight savings time is less than a month away (!). I’ll just wait it out.
It’s those shades of green I long for in the spring, the varied and greenest of greens that signal the end of the cold and the promise of a summer. It’s why, amidst a lovely collection of Cindy Heath’s fabric art at the Kilton Public Library, I kept returning to the colors and textures of her “In the Garden” (above). Put me in a David Hockney mood. Same love of greens that not coincidentally are featured in his own “The Arrival of Spring” (below). For a short piece about this series, “10 Things to Know About David Hockney’s The Arrival of Spring, Normandy, 2020,” click here.
“Cindy’s work showcases the beauty and ingenuity of nature through vibrant fiber art wall hangings and mixed media creations. Using techniques like layering, abstraction, surface design, and creative threadwork, Cindy captures the essence of movement and color while honoring nature’s interconnected systems."
Feeling the need to touch, not just see, some green and get some dirt under those fingernails? The Gardener’s Supply Company in Lebanon is offering two events: a Mini Succulent Garden Workshop on February 13, 1:00 to 6:00 pm, and Houseplant Education, February 22, 11:00 am to 12:00 noon. Further info here.
And this just in, late Sunday evening: the Super Bowl is over. And the Philadelphia Eagles—the wearers of the green—have prevailed.
Cindy Heath’s solo fiber arts exhibition, Nature’s Wisdom, is on display at the Kilton Public Library in West Lebanon, NH until March 20 (the spring equinox), when the artist will host a closing party from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. For more information about Cindy, including a 3-minute video introducing herself and her fiber arts practice, click here.
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And in case you are wondering . . . Susan B. Apel shuttered a lifelong career as a law professor to continue an interest (since kindergarten) in writing. Her freelance business, The Next Word, includes literary and feature writing; her work has appeared in a variety of lit mags and other publications including Art New England, The Woven Tale Press, The Arts Fuse, and Persimmon Tree. She connects with her neighbors through Artful, her blog about arts and culture in the Upper Valley. She’s in love with the written word.